There are few things in life much more fun than taking the kids to a movie in an actual theatre. You load up on popcorn, Pepsi and Twizzlers; the lights go down; the sound starts to reverberate; and the fun begins. You look over and your youngest ones are looking up at the screen, wide-eyed and enthralled.
But that’s when we’re out on the town and the movies are blockbusters. These are the big-name films, full of action and comic-book characters. Based on reviews and the ratings system, you pretty much know what you’re getting into beforehand.
Watching movies with the kids takes on several different dimensions when this takes place at home – as a result of renting DVDs, downloading videos or simply watching an old movie that fortuitously appears on TV.
I would say that the problems of home viewing can crop up in four main areas:
Tags:Christopher Reeves·funny awkward moment story·funny changing tastes story·funny embarassing moment story·funny family story·funny Godfather story·funny movie review story·funny parenting story·funny popcorn and twizzlers story·funny raising children story·funny superman story·Marlon Brando

My wife, Donna, writes crime novels, five of them so far. It’s hard to get published these days, for a variety of reasons, and Donna is self-publishing.
She has an Internet site, but also knows how important it is to network. As part of this effort, she attends functions of Sisters in Crime and Crime Writers of Canada. Sometimes I go along as well.
Tags:Crime Writers of Canada·funny doctor story·funny economics story·funny funeral directors story·funny lawyer story·funny professional athlete story·funny self-publishing story·funny sexual allure story·funny sexy economist story·funny sports hero story·funny sports story·funny story about graphs·funny story about the sex trade·funny undertaker story·funny undertakers story·Sisters in Crime

In an earlier blog entry, I discussed how “P” is the funniest letter in the alphabet. Today, I’m going to argue the letter “L” is the most serious.
“L” is used for Legal and Licenses. People speak about obeying the Letter of the Law. Hopefully, the best-made things Last. When we’re enjoying ourselves, we want to Linger over the good times.
Tags:funny A-frame story·funny alphabet story·funny Harry Potter story·funny language of love story·funny language story·funny linguistic story·funny literary story·funny verbal gymnastics·gout·language puns·mean median mode·middle of the road·playing with the language·Snape·swiss chalet

It’s fun to take a well-known phrase, one that is crying out for a punch line, and see what you can do with it.
It doesn’t have to be too literal or necessarily even make that much sense, as long as it brings a smile to your face.
Free associate and see where it leads. This exercise aids in loosening up one’s writing style. The following are tag lines to the saying, “She’s been around the block so many times, …”
Tags:break and enter·comedy·corkscrew·emissions test·funny·GPS·humor·lemonade stand·neighbourhood watch·property value·side saddle·think outside the box

The following is an old joke that I have expanded, embellished and tried to make more visual. It helps if you stand up and run around the room, as described below, but I’ll leave that up to your discretion. Here goes.
Tags:amusing·champagne·comedy·funny·funny animal story·funny barnyard story·funny champagne story·funny farmer story·funny flowers story·funny generation gap story·funny parable·funny props story·funny rooster story·funny shotgun story·funny visual story·hen house·hoot·humor·joke

There is a symbiotic relationship between me, my wife and my blog that tells me I have a really special mate.
Here are ten ways in which the three of us interact.
Tags:amusing·comedy·funny·funny blog story·funny dialogue story·funny get a life story·funny husband and wife banter story·funny husband and wife story·funny technology story·funny writing story·humor·off-the-wall phrases·veto power

The one spectator sport I am still really interested in is the NFL on television and I have to admit it may not be for the best of reasons.
Tags:biggest show on earth·funny blimp story·funny ex-jock story·funny exaggerated hype story·funny football story·funny gladiators and lions story·funny good guys versus bad guys story·funny instant replay story·funny neanderthals story·funny NFL story·funny overblown hype story·funny quarterback story·funny redemption story·funny soap opera story·funny sports commentators story·funny stuff of legends story·funny Super Bowl story·funny winners and losers story

I have a story from my workplace I think encapsulates an awful lot of what is so crazy about the modern business world.
It involves computers and automatic updating processes and the vast potential that exists for things to go sadly and sometimes hilariously wrong, despite our best intentions.
Tags:escalation contract·funny COLA story·funny construction costs story·funny crossed wires story·funny high-tech story·funny key-punching story·funny modern business world story·funny office blunder story·funny office snafu·funny office story·funny screw-ups·ridiculous office mistake story·search and replace function·To Whom it May Concern

We all live such fast-paced lives these days. How do we fit everything in? I have reviewed my daily routine and come to the conclusion that what I resent most is the time I give over to shaving, bathing, brushing and flossing my teeth, clipping my nails and nose hairs and applying deodorant. I get tired just thinking about it. Therefore, in the interests of freeing up some spare time, I have decided to forego personal hygiene. That way, I’ll be able to take up a hobby.
Tags:Bewitched·boy who cried wolf·Caribbean holiday·comedy·cut the cheese story·fast-paced lives·funny·funny awkward situation story·funny embarassing story·funny farting story·funny hobby story·funny Montezuma's revenge story·funny personal hygiene story·funny restraining order story·funny taking shortcuts story·funny whoopie cushion story·hobby enthusiasts·humor·personal hygiene

Cities rise and fall. Currently in Canada, Calgary and Edmonton are bursting with commerce and energy as a result of the construction boom in the nearby Oil Sands. However, events can pass a city by more easily than might seem possible. The story of Venice presents a cautionary tale.
Tags:Calgary·Carnival·Edmonton·funny carnival story·funny construction story·funny economics story·funny explorers story·funny history story·funny lifestyle story·funny Oil Sands story·funny party central story·funny party hardy story·funny riches story·funny technology story·Napoleon·Tar Sands·Vasco de Gama·Venice