You have to like Twitter. It yields access to large numbers of people that one could not otherwise reach. Through “following” and “followers”, direct messages and other commands it is a far more powerful tool than its simplistic design suggests.
However, its drawbacks are obvious. First is the brevity with which one’s message appears on someone else’s screen, if he or she is even logged in. Then there is the matter of how short that message has to be, no more than 140 characters. In my case, the intent is to provide a teaser with a link to a longer blog story.
Tags:Hilary Clinton·humor·Jokes·Kim Jong Il·laughter·NRA·Puns·ridiculous stories·Twitter·URLs
“When one scoop of ice cream is too much, two scoops can sometimes be just right.” That was something my wife, Donna, said one summer evening – perhaps unwittingly, we’ve never been quite sure – when the family walked to the local ice cream parlour for a cool treat. Then she demonstrated her belief in this reasoning by devouring a double-stacked concoction consisting of mocha mania and strawberry surprise.
I’m not good with the names of ice cream flavours anymore. For five years during high school, many years ago, I was one of several young hires that scooped hundreds of cones on Saturday nights as part of our summer jobs in a Wasaga Beach drugstore. It became a mind-numbing experience to hear customer after customer ask, “What flavours have you got?” when they were clearly marked on a sign-board over our heads.
Tags:charming·comedy·crazy sayings·cute·Family Humor·funny·funny family bonding story·funny family story·funny feel good story·funny nostalgia story·funny parables·funny phrases·funny sayings·Greensleeves·heartwarming family story·humor·ice cream·Irish poetry·laughter·oddball·offbeat·relationships·Shakespeare·things that bring us together
In another romantic space, long long ago, I wrote the following lyrics to a song that can only be heard in my own head. Nevertheless, I think they make for entertaining reading, particularly at a time such as this, when the economy is in rough shape. Furthermore, I would suggest these words could only have been written by an economist. Here goes.
Tags:angry boyfriend song·broken hearted music·Evita·funny can't pay the rent story·funny cheating story·funny don't cry for me story·funny getting dumped story·funny heartache story·funny hurtin music story·funny my life's a mess story·funny romance story·funny sad song·funny song lyrics·funny went broke song·musical humor·poignant heartbreak story
Six co-workers were gathered in a hotel room in Dallas, Texas because they were concerned about one of their own. Raj had come to work for the large consulting firm a year before and he was liked by everyone.
Lately, though, he seemed bothered and distracted. Far from his home in Mumbai, he was stressed and depressed and in danger of an excess of self-medication. The others were there to give him support.
Frank had been the final person to arrive. He’d only been invited at the last minute and was still in the dark about why they were all there. He was a know-it-all and his pushy inquisitive nature often kept people from confiding in him. However, since he worked in the office next to Raj, he could hardly have been left out.
Tags:Bangalore·Bollywoood·Buddha·Congress Party·Courtney Love·funny dialogue story·funny friends story·funny Kama Sutra story·funny lying story·funny misunderstanding story·funny resume story·funny sex story·Kung Fu·Kurt Cobain·Manmohan Singh·Nano car·Nirvana·Tata Inc.·Upper Pradesh
I was driving in my car the other day when a news item came over the radio that made me really pause and think. Apparently there has been such a shopping spree for guns in the United States that there is now, not just a shortage of ammunition, but a “critical” shortage. That’s how the announcer phrased it. This raises all kinds of questions.
First, I would like to know who makes the call about whether or not a shortage of ammo is critical. Is it a committee of elderly women? Is it the Surgeon General? Maybe it’s Tony Soprano? I suspect that each of these would have a different set of criteria.
Tags:Air Force One·Chrysler·Ford·funny absurd story·funny ammunition story·funny bullets story·funny drug cartel story·funny Mafia story·funny outrageous news story·funny scary story·funny slice of life story·General Motors·health care reform·President Obama·Surgeon General·Tony Soprano
Hank and Harriet, single and alone in their own separate worlds, saw the ads on late-night TV. Their friends encouraged them to give it a try. Now here they were, staring each other down across a tiny table in a hotel ballroom filled with 100 other hopefuls.
They were about to start their final session in an hour of 10-minute speed dates. The partner rotations, with the girls stationary and the guys circling the room, had yielded few prospects so far. There were too many dudes and dudettes pretending an interest in fireside chats and walks in the rain. Or other inclinations that hinted at the seedy. Where were the people with the real interests? They were probably at home with their spouses.
Tags:Black Eyed Peas·funny advice columnist story·funny annoying buzzer story·funny bosom story·funny computer geek story·funny daytime drama story·funny lonely hearts columnist story·funny perfect for each other story·funny romance story·funny self-centered male story·funny soap opera story·funny speed dating story·funny star-crossed lovers story·funny telemundo story·funny Twitter story·romance with a twist·witty repartee story
Whenever I hear a major celebrity has died, I am reminded that there is no such thing as time. Our most vivid memories of these individuals are when they were at their prime. Their vitality and life force made them seem indestructible.
Then suddenly, ten or 20 or 30 years later they are gone. It seemingly happens in the blink of an eye or the snapping of the fingers. I’m quite conscious the same will happen to me one day.
Michael Jackson has been the latest casualty to this phenomenon. A failure to understand that there is no such thing as time is what bothers me so much about teenage smokers. It is not as if they don’t know the long-term consequences in terms of addiction and ill health. It’s just that now is in the moment, friends are calling and the future is so far away.
Tags:appreciation of beauty story·bartender joke·beauty is more than skin deep story·comedy·funny·funny bartender story·funny Jedi Knight story·funny Luke Skywalker story·funny science fiction story·funny Star Wars story·funny time travel story·horrors of smoking story·humor·Michael Jackson·sad celebrity story·sad passage of time story·teenage smoking story
My nose knows and it is telling me that I need to write about Toronto’s garbage workers strike. We’re about to enter the fourth week. Negotiations between the mayor’s office and the union are getting overheated. Everyone is sweating over the details. The situation has become sticky. You see the problem? There is going to be a lingering smell no matter what the outcome.
One has to be taken with the manner in which Torontonians are dealing with the circumstances. I am particularly impressed with the entrepreneurial spirit that has risen up. For example, there are the Internet services that are on “dumpster watch”. These alert private citizens of locations where a fat juicy and, even better, empty dumpster is lying ripe for a drop-off. But you have to keep your eye out. The authorities are everywhere.
Tags:Aqua Velva·Brut·Chanel·Febreze·funny deodorant story·funny dumpster story·funny garbage strike story·funny hot weather story·funny labor relations story·funny pharmacist story·funny smell story·funny spy novel story·funny Toronto story·Procter and Gamble·spy novel·Toronto garbage workers strike
The weekend started off badly for me when Donna, my wife, announced she had purchased a couple of inflatable boats to take with us to the cottage. These were to help amuse two friends of Ted, our middle child, that we were bringing with us from Friday night through Sunday.
I hate rafts. They are the work of the devil. You’re always hearing about someone getting swept out to sea in one of these contraptions and drowning. Plus they spring leaks and need plastic patches. Once inflated, they are a devil − that word again − to lug around.
Tags:Barrie·BB gun·funny ATM banking machine story·funny bat story·funny circus comes to town story·funny cottage naval or sea battle story·funny family cottage story·funny home repair story·funny ironic writing story·funny parenting story·funny plumbing problem story·funny toilet backs up story·funny writer's block story·Midland·Pegasus·Trigger
Thanks for tuning in and paying attention to my ruminations since I started writing a Blog in February 2008. It’s been an interesting, exciting and fun time.
I’ve decided to mark this nearly year-and-a-half anniversary, which also happens to coincide with Canada Day (July 1), by considering a question that’s been intriguing me for some time.
Why are so many of the symbols of our nation sexual in nature?
Think about it.
Tags:funny boring Canadians story·funny Canadian currency story·funny Canadian sex puns story·funny Canadian sex story·funny CN Tower story·funny God Save the Queen story·funny Montreal Expos story·funny mounties story·funny national anthem story·funny northern lights story·funny Oh Canada story·funny RCMP story·funny sex story·funny sexual antics story·funny symbols of Canada story·funny Toronto Maple Leafs story·sexy Canadians story